Great Quotes
"Frostbite ? I consider that a failure." — Marc Twight. "We'll climb with you and steal your women." — Todd Skinner and Paul Piana. "He who remains calm while those around him panics probably doesn't know what is going on." "Don't fall now or we'll both go." — Layton Kor on numerous occasions. "I don't have any friends, and my nuts are too small." — Climber on a bad day. "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." — Evan Hardin.
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Drama
Went to the Wallowas for a backcountry hut tour. Spilled boiling water on my right hand and right foot. Killed the trip. When the photos come in I will put them with full story on the weekend. The burn ended up not too bad. Second degree, and should be good in a couple of weeks.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hogs Back Jan 13th 2008
Rare weather window was forcasted for sunday. Emails were sent and plans confirmed. Left the parking lot at 8 am. Idea was to go slow and cruse, no hurry. Well that idea went out the window when we arrived at silcox hut a half our later. We were hoping for a summit bid via the south side route. But that desision was going be made once we were on the Hogs Back. The weather was perfect. Clear, cold and basically no wind. Joel, and Marsha were crusing, Jon was starting to slow as we got closer to Crater rock. We were going to pop his alpine cherry this trip :) Skinning also was getting trickier as we gained elevation. One slope Jon had to take off his split board and boot it. The same idea was crossing my mind but I made it up the slope. But soon I was booting it with Jon. Just as fast and way easier than skinning at that point. Jon and I were just below crater rock and he was hinting that we was getting really tired. Not having that I told him we was going to make it to the hogs bag so get use to that idea. He was really great about it, I have been in the same possition so many times. We got to the hogs back and decided going any higher was not a good idea so stapped in I dropped first. First turns were steep and good, I wished that slope had lasted for a 1,000 ft. So much goodness. The rest of the turns back to the car were GREAT. The snow was fast and wind buffed, took turns like nothing. Fun fun was had by all. Now for the porn.... I mean pics :)
Skinning Palmer, look at her she looks great with all that snow
Now the fun. Joel skied down to a shorter slope and the next three photos tell the story :) Wish I had my camera on high speed. Love the go for it attitude Joel, keep on it. Now if you would just do a resort day.
Joel almost falling Joel falling #1
Joel Falling #2... For the record he did better the more turns he got.
Marsha dropping in
Marsha looking good
Nice Jon, best pic right there!!!
Looking good on the traverse.
No more pics, but the turns were perfect.
Lame PBR pic, but manditory :) Great day with great people. Jon we will have to do that again and make it to the summit next time. This trip is the highest Jon has been on hood. Good work, I told you it would be worth it.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Newton Creek 12/30/07
Took saturday off and geared up for a larger goup heading to Newton Creek.
It had dumped feet of snow between Friday and Sunday. I recieved more than one phone call about avalanch danger and I said lets at least check it out, there is always a place to ski no matter what. We will have turns, good safe terrain even in high avalanch conditions. It was dumping hard right in the parking lot and it was cold. Good news for us :) Seems like every trip Cort goes on it is some kind of bad weather. Middle Sister snow camping, Colchuck snow caming, and now this trip. What a trooper or maybe I should not take her any more and I will have more good weather trips, food for thought..... On the way up I cut some cornices off to
see how things would slide and just as I suspected things were looking good in the trees. We quickly made time up the hill and the weather rolled in or we were more in the wind. Getting cold we decided to make some turns. Joel, and Chris were quick, Cort need some help but doing fine, but dang it leave it to the splitboarder Jon to slowing things down. Geesh you would think these guys would get a clue and learn to ski. Joking, wish I had a split board for that day, snowboarding on big powder days is the best hands down.

Cooper spur ski 12/28/30
the stone shelter. At this point from the blowing snow it was hard to see
and it was getting cold. We strapped up for the decent and made some
sweet turns on the way down
High five at turn around point. Good job Jen
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