So at 7:15 pm I left the TH for Mt Olympus. The plan: Do it in 24 hrs and then head over to Tatoosh to meet g-friend who I have not seen for over a week. She was planning on climbing some of the tatoosh with a friend of hers. Oh did I mention I have not seen her for over a week, I REALLY wanted to see meet up with her!!!! OK back to the story. Left the TH at 7:15 and feeling good. Started slow but soon I was cruising, enjoying hiking in the daylight for a change. Taking in the sights. Starting thinking if I wanted to cross the glacier in the dark. Decided I did not want to so I had to find a place to hang out and catch some ZZZZ’s till sunrise. Glacier Meadows was the last camp I knew of. After most of the flat of the trail on the river it started to go up hill. Well to moving things along I hit Glacier Meadows at 1:15 am.
Was pleasantly surprised to find “emergency” shelters. Well I did not have a tent or sleeping bag and I was only going to us it for 3 hrs so yes this would qualify me J. Just in case you did not know sleeping in your rain shells (pants and jacket) really sucks. Amazingly I did get some sleep. Awoke and hit the trail around 5:45 am. Eating breakfast (4 tortia's and salmon) on the go.
Took it easy and hiked behind a group of 4 till the glacier. It was filled in and looked to be easy to get across. Strapped up and started trucking across the glacier. What a great Mtn. I was thinking how hard it was to get in there in the winter cause that place would be great to ski. It is a giant ski bowl with great lines everywhere. Basically followed the boot track to the top of Snow Dome,
over the shrund around to the false summit and over to the summit scramble.
(survey marker on summit)
The scramble to the summit was a fun and added to the experience, then the down climbing.
As I was sitting on the summit thoughts of doing the trip in 24 hrs and heading over to tatoosh were going through my mind. Made good time down the glacier and back to the trail. I was sure I could do it. But now the pain was going to set in. I needed to run as much as I can to ensure I made my goal time. At some time I am going to hit wall. At first running down hill was going good, then my knees were getting tired, then they started to hurt. Next the feet started hurting, but I was still making good time. The first 8 or so miles down from Glacier Meadows went quickly, and then it happened I hit the wall. Had to stop running and started hiking very slow, but soon I was able to pick up the hiking pace and eventually slow jog. At this point my knees were rocked, feet HURT, and the back of my left knee was growing a knot. But I only had 10 miles to go. I could still make it in 24 (maybe) so I kept on truck as best as I could. Then it happened again this time for real. THE WALL. At about 6 miles left I basically shut down. Now thoughts of making it back before dark were crossing my head. Time to take out the hiking poles, anything I could think of to keep me moving I did. Talking to myself, not taking breaks, anything. I was still making decent time, about 2 miles/hr, but did it hurt. With about 3 miles left I just wanted to be done, I had no sleeping gear, almost out of food and now I could barely walk. The Death March was officially in full effect. Now my right calf joined in the choirs of body parts revolting against me and soon my back would finish things out. It was all I could do to keep moving. Just wanted to finish before dark. Soon it was 1 mile left then, half mile left and soon the sweet, oh so sweet sight of my car. At 8:10 pm Friday night I finished.
All thoughts of heading to tatoosh were gone. Hell I could barely bend over to take off my shoes and shocks. Jumped in the car and drove a ways before I pulled over to catch much need sleep. My trip was over and what a wonderfully painful enjoyable time it was. I had a blast, and what a fun mountain and enjoyable route. Next time I think I will do it in 2 days to make it easy. Also I am wondering what it would be like to head in there in the winter for some turns. Pics will come later. Camera left at home this AM. I was amazed to see how many people travel that trail and how many people were heading up to climb the route. Guess maybe a long approach but a long maintained trail will attract more people than a moderate unmaintained trail.
Sorry about the bad presentation. Added pics after and that was a mistake. Next time add as I do.
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