Great Quotes

"Frostbite ? I consider that a failure." — Marc Twight. "We'll climb with you and steal your women." — Todd Skinner and Paul Piana. "He who remains calm while those around him panics probably doesn't know what is going on." "Don't fall now or we'll both go." — Layton Kor on numerous occasions. "I don't have any friends, and my nuts are too small." — Climber on a bad day. "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." — Evan Hardin.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Cort and I headed up to climb Leuthold. Yes the day after the "epic route finding problems." Thought I could redeam myself now that I knew the way, or at least the way not to I was so slow and tired. What did I expect. Cort was kicking my ass all the way to illumination. When we got there the sun was out, slight breaze and we had a great spot for lunch. Other than me being really tired (was prepaired to suffer through that) my right foot was starting to hurt. After a little pow-wow, Cort and I deciede we had went far enough. Cort headed out since she was on foot and I was on skis. Headed to the highest part of the saddle against Illumination Rock geared up and skied off on to hard snow/ice. I discovered how steep I was willing to go on that suface and I was on that slope angle. Very pleasent ski back to the car even if I had to stop several times to give my screaming legs a rest. Lower down the snow was just starting to get soft and made for nice turns. Was very exhausted and glad to be back at the car. Time for a nap.

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