Great Quotes

"Frostbite ? I consider that a failure." — Marc Twight. "We'll climb with you and steal your women." — Todd Skinner and Paul Piana. "He who remains calm while those around him panics probably doesn't know what is going on." "Don't fall now or we'll both go." — Layton Kor on numerous occasions. "I don't have any friends, and my nuts are too small." — Climber on a bad day. "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." — Evan Hardin.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Crater Rock Skin

The weather was too tempting to pass up. Got off work early and headed to the mountain for a quick trip to Crater Rock and a nice long ski down. The surface was a bit on the icy side but was still able to make it most of the way up. Packed the skis the rest of the way and started my way down just as the sun was setting. Man what a great trip.
Check out the pics,

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